Statement by Ambassador Masood Khan, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations, before Action on Draft Resolution entitled “Universal Realization of the Right of the Peoples to Self-determination” Third Committee, 69th Session of the UN General Assembly
(18 November 2014)

Madam Chairperson,

I have the honour to present, for action, the annual resolution on the “Universal Realization of the Right of Peoples to Self-determination”, contained in document A/C.3/69/L.55.

Since the introduction of the draft resolution on 11 November, Seychelles has also joined as co-sponsors.

Madam Chair,

The draft resolution this year is unchanged from the one adopted by the Committee with consensus last year. The resolution reaffirms the fundamental significance of the universal realization of the right of all peoples to self-determination, including those under foreign and alien domination, and declares firm opposition to all acts of aggression and foreign occupation which result in the suppression of this basic human rights.

Madam Chair,

The right to self-determination enjoys primacy in international law and is the corner stone of the UN Charter and the two core International Human Rights Covenants. The right to self-determination has also been affirmed and upheld by all major UN, NAM, OIC and other Summits, as well as their numerous resolutions and declarations.

The extensive exercise of this right during the last century closed the dark chapter of colonization and enabled the emergence of several nations as sovereign members of the United Nations.

The General Assembly’s consistent support for the resolution highlights the continued relevance and validity of the right to self-determination. It also sends a strong message of opposition to all acts of foreign aggression and occupation, which are contrary to the principles of the UN Charter and the provisions of international human rights conventions.

Madam Chair,

Keeping in view the universally recognized principle embodied in the draft resolution, it is our hope that this august body will once again lend its united and unconditional support to the resolution as a manifestation of its abiding commitment to the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

I thank the large number of co-sponsors who joined us to present this resolution.

I thank you.